Carrie Duncan Photography's day-to-day blog

I should be sleeping…

But instead I’m awake. My husband is in bed, my one-year-old is snoozing and here I am writing a blog post.

Do you know what’s really great? Summertime! It means barbecues, and sandboxes and water sprayed from garden hoses. It means getting together with friends just so you have a reason to hang out outside. It means patios, and family getaways and spending time with the ones who mean the most to you.

Excuse as my train of thought was interrupted. Apparently it also means that raccoons will come right up to your back porch, as I just had to go scare one off. I guess, putting the garbage can adjacent to the step, while convenient for me, was a little too convenient for the raccoons as well.

Anyway, summer is full of moments that make meaningful memories. So have your cameras ready! You never know when you’ll get the chance to nab photos like these.



2 responses

  1. Abigail

    the only problem is, I can’t take pictures like these! Beautiful as always!

    July 7, 2011 at 5:39 am

  2. Thank you Abby! Can you believe my niece is that beautiful girl in the photo? She’s all grown up!

    July 8, 2011 at 7:05 pm

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